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A 13 screen  installation. Color and Black and White. Sound design.

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In collaboration with celebrated cinematographer Lisa Rinzler, this monumental thirteen screen installation is a deeply American work. Kroehling and Rinzler’s baroque, sensual epic weaves is an era-spanning narrative that recounts the odd reality of an imagined American city called Dollarland.  Crimes, daily life and small epiphanies mark the portrait of the town’s people haunted by the ghosts of the past. But the work's true subject is the solipsism and complacency of Dollarland founded on exploitation and the everyday habits and general corruption of of the place.  Dollarland's thirteen station installation is a bold reconsideration of cinema's possibilities, a new form of story-telling exploring the American empire burlesque's fable of freedom.




This cross-disciplinary multi-media work will utilize multi-screen video projection, an immersive sound design, performance, music and a projection mapped city model on fire under a rotating night sky. Dollarland is a poetic exploration of a place caught in a time warp of past, present, and future, a cinematically sensual epic weaving of an era-spanning narrative recounting the true stories that transcend the official story. The stories of Dollarland are inspired by historical documents - newspapers, obituaries, police blotter crime records, diaries and letters that peel back the rosy veneer of the official story.  


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